Monday, May 10, 2010

Gonna try this blogging thing again

Now that I finally have something to offer. I'm going to try this blogging thing again.

I have two gems in the works. One is a framework called CommonThread for message oriented middleware in JRuby. The other is a JRuby wrapper for SNMP4J called SNMP4JR.

I just opened fresh new Lighthouse accounts for both and am ready to start working on public releases. I'm shooting for May 15, 2010 for a public gemcutter release of both.

For those of you who have tried/use phpMyTop or MyTop.rb I have updates coming for you all as well. I'll probably be moving them from sourceforge to github however. I see no reason to split my projects up. I'll shoot for June 1 for these. The fresh new versions are actively in use here at Manheim, but need some love for public consumption again.

The big development push is something I've been working on for years now. CommonThread is going on 6 years old now and has been significantly reworked this year for JRuby. Ruby never had good enough threading support to warrant a public release and JRuby wasn't mature enough(IMO) until recently. We now have a thread safe ORM in Ruby/JRuby called DataMapper. I've stripped out ActiveRecord in favor of it, however you can use any thread safe ORM you like. I tried Ohm with it for a bit, but had some threading issues with redis(that have been fixed now). If you need extra performance I strongly suggest it. I'll be adding queue support for Redis in the near future as well as JMS once I complete my JRuby conversion of the framework.

The goal is to use CommonThread and SNMP4JR . . as well as Jmx4r to build a fantastic database management/monitoring tool that surpasses MyTop.rb. My goal is a public release by the end of the year. So I'll be using the gems I'm releasing for a substantial project, much like the folks at 37Signals.

I'm going to blog along the way so watch this space.


The Arthurian said...

Hello, awk. Your name reminds me of computer commands in some language I never learned. (Unix?) Anyhow...

Found you because we both list macroeconomics as an interest on our Blogger profiles. Didn't understand a word of your 10 May post, but your older stuff is on-topic. So, thought I'd let you know I stopped by.

Perhaps we could have some discussion of the Austrian view. I know very little about it (and I have my own views, anyway) but I do know they worry a lot about inflation. (Who doesn't? Huh?? Ben Ber-what???) ...

awksedgreep said...

This is what happens when I set deadlines.

DataMapper seems to be delayed and in no hurry to release the fixes I'm looking for.

I understand really, since Rails 3 is such a big deal.

My projects are on hold until they can update, however. I won't postulate on a new deadline . . it'll just be sometime after they release DataMapper.